Conquer the Fear of Failure

by Rochelle Melander “Nothing is a mistake. There’s no win and no fail. There’s only make.” —Corita Kent On NPR’s Morning Edition, A Martínez interviewed members of The Groundlings, a Los Angeles-based improv and sketch comedy troupe. Michael Churven said this about the process, “You bomb so much, and your... Read More

Choose Less, Write More

by Rochelle Melander “Choose less and feel better.” -Barry Schwartz Maybe it’s me. Maybe it’s the challenge of being a freelancer. Maybe it’s modern life. I have too many choices. From what to wear to what to write, I am overwhelmed by possibilities. I often don’t know what to work... Read More

Take Smaller Steps

by Rochelle Melander Great things are not done by impulse, but by a series of small things brought together. – Vincent VanGogh I’ve got a house full of stuff. Some I collected, some I inherited, some my children left behind. It overwhelms me. When I think about decluttering, and I... Read More

How to Write When You’re Scared

by Rochelle Melander How do you write when you’re scared? You want to write, but you’re scared it won’t be good enough. Maybe examining your own thoughts seems like too much. Or your project is new and big and feels overwhelming. So you avoid writing. You get busy with other... Read More

Tools to Write More in 2024

by Rochelle Melander Almost everyone I talk to wants to write more than they did last year. But how? You must do something differently. I’ve been staring at overstocked cupboards for years. Every January, I’m determined to clean them. Sometimes, I dust the cans and put them back. Mostly, I... Read More

Write Goals That Work

January 2, 2024 Note From Rochelle Dear writers, Many of you who filled out my survey mentioned an interest in being part of an accountability group! And I have just the thing for you. The Writing Accountability Group starts meeting in a few weeks—and we have four spots open. CLICK... Read More

Reflect and Renew

by Rochelle Melander It takes courage…to endure the sharp pains of self-discovery rather than choose to take the dull pain of unconsciousness that would last the rest of our lives. –Marianne Williamson At the end of a year or when we finish a big project, it can be helpful to... Read More

Winter Reflections

December 12, 2023 Note From Rochelle Dear writers, Most of the groups I belong to have wrapped up for the year, including the Goddess group. I miss them. These groups have helped me to stay focused, write more, and stay encouraged. If you’ve been feeling lonely and discouraged about writing,... Read More