Write Now! Mastermind

Write Now! Mastermind Class

  • Are you overwhelmed by the choices in publishing?
  • Does figuring out Twitter, LinkedIn, and the rest of social media seem daunting?
  • Are you tired of juggling it all and getting nothing accomplished?

I can help.

  • I’m the author of many best-selling books, most written on tight deadlines.
  • I’ve worked as a freelance writer, editor, and coach for two decades.
  • I’m an early adapter of social media with nearly 20 thousand followers on Twitter.

And I’m learning new information every day about productivity, publishing, and social media.

In the Write Now! Mastermind Class, you will receive the latest information and resources as well as a subscription to the Write Now! Tips. In addition, class participants receive the exclusive opportunity to:

• Suggest future books, services, and products
• Review and purchase books and products before publication
• Receive flash discounts on new Write Now! Coach products

The Write Now! Mastermind Class meets via teleclass four times a year or more, depending on product releases.


SIGN UP here.