Writers@Work: An Interview with Content Creation Coach Sarah Schwab
January 16, 2018
Note From Rochelle
Dear Readers,
Do you have a story to tell? Do you struggle to write regularly and wish you had an accountability partner? Do you worry you’re not good enough to succeed?
The Write-A-Thon Critique group will help you evaluate your work, write regularly and finish the projects you start. It’s designed to help you overcome the most common obstacles people face when they tackle a writing project—finding time, overcoming writer’s block and staying accountable.
The first Write Now! Coach critique group launched last June, and is still going strong. Because they’ve been so successful, I’ve decided to start a new group. If you’re curious about how the group works, read more here. Or connect with me for a complimentary consultation.
Today’s tip features one of my colleagues, Sarah Schwab. She has a new book coming out this week and stopped by to share more about it and the tools that keep her productive. You can learn more about her upcoming book, Content That Dances here.
Writers@Work: An Interview with Content Creation Coach Sarah Schwab
Tell us about you…
I am the Founder and President of Content Creation Coach, but that’s not what it looked like when I first started out. 5 years ago, I started my business helping others with general marketing and communications. In doing various projects, I realized that I am much better at the creative things than the analytical and tactical tasks (and I enjoy them a lot more too).
I was blogging every week, creating funnels and opt-in pieces, starting my e-mail newsletter, and building my list to lay the foundation on which to grow my business. I realized that was my niche! Creating content was becoming more and more important, and it’s something a lot of businesses need help with. I made it my primary focus and became Content Creation Coach.
Since then, I have helped clients create the content pieces they need to reach more people and grow their business online. I have helped to create hundreds of blog articles, ebooks, videos, audios, online programs, and more!
Being an entrepreneur and business owner is something I’ve always wanted to do, and I love seeing the impact my work has on others. But that is just one leg of the three-legged stool that makes up my life. I am also a mom and wife, so I’m always balancing family time and responsibilities. And third, I am a creative person, and I believe that having an outlet for my creative expression is an important part of my life. Creativity is part of many areas of my life, but my favorite form of self-expression is dance.
How did you get here, what led you to write the book?
I am a Content Creator, so writing and speaking have always been foundational parts of my business. In fact, it was through writing regularly and seeing what worked for myself and for my clients, that I developed my specific approach and Content Marketing Strategy.
After 4 years, I had so much content! Taking the ideas and putting them into a book was simply the next logical step.
Give us a key idea from the book.
In the book, I describe the three types of content and how they work together to effectively capture, nurture and convert your ideal customers. A lot of people understand the idea of what I call “Nurturing Content.” That’s the free content you create on a regular basis, like articles or video blogs. They help to build awareness, drive traffic, and grow your platform and your audience. There’s lots of great stuff in the book about how to create engaging, consistent Nurturing Content.
However, having great Nurturing Content isn’t enough! A lot of times, people will complain that their blog isn’t “working.” The truth is that it’s probably doing exactly what it’s supposed to, which is build relationships and trust with your audience and establish you as an expert in your field. If what you want to do is capture and convert new clients and customers, you need a different type of content, which I call “Catalyst Content.”
Catalyst Content pieces are more substantial than Nurturing Content. They are at the top of a “funnel” that requires people to engage at a higher level and allows you to follow-up with them and make an offer. A lot of times, businesses create a single funnel to capture e-mail addresses on their website. But, in order to capture sales throughout the year, I recommend that you create 2-4 funnels per year. That’s what really creates momentum, value, and growth.
What tools do you use to stay productive?
Simplero: Simplero is the online marketing software I use for everything in my business! I am able to manage my e-mail list, send a newsletter and communications, build landing pages and funnels, and sell and host online programs, among other things. It’s a “full suite” platform at a small business price that allows me to keep everything in one place.
Timetrade: This is the scheduling system that integrates with my calendar where I keep everything from family activities to networking meetings. Clients and prospects can easily schedule meetings with me, and I never double book!
SPEARity: This is the productivity program I use to set my goals and prioritize my tasks to ensure that I meet them. It helps to build confidence and realign actions to continually improve results.
Bring: My whole family uses this app for our shopping lists. We have lists for several stores or categories, and everyone can add to it from their own device. I always have my grocery list on my phone when I go to the store!
What are you reading right now?
And Every Morning The Way Home Gets Longer And Longer, by Fredrik Backman
About the author: Sarah Schwab is the Founder and President of Content Creation Coach. She is known for her expertise in helping small businesses and entrepreneurs create a strategy and develop consistent, compelling content that builds connections and engagement, leading to growth. Sarah works with clients one-on-one and through online programs. She has created hundreds of blog articles, produced videos, teleseminars, webinars, e-books, and more. Aside from entrepreneurship and content creation, Schwab’s personal creative passion is in dance; you’ll often find her at her local studio and at regional ballroom dance competitions or practicing in Milwaukee. With her husband, Sarah is the proud parent of a daughter and two sons who love life . . . and one another.
Find out more about her approach to online marketing and content creation, including free resources, at www.contentcreationcoach.com Learn about her upcoming book, Content That Dances here