How Procrastination Can Boost Creativity

How Procrastination Can Boost Creativity by Rochelle Melander Are you a procrastinator or a pre-crastinator? Procrastinators put off doing the big things, sometimes until the last minute. Pre-crastinators get stuff done quickly—although not always the right stuff—way ahead of deadlines. How Pre-Crastination Kills Creativity I’m a precrastinator. I get stuff... Read More

Join the Write Now! Coach Critique Group

    Dear writers,   I’m excited by how well the first Write Now! Coach Critique Group has gone over the last six months. I’ve watched the members make huge strides in finding their voices and finishing their projects.   I’m currently a member of another critique group. Each session... Read More

The Holiday Reading List

December 19, 2017     Note From Rochelle   Dear Readers,   Where did the year go? I’m planning my offerings for next year, and I still need your help. What sorts of programs and tools would be most helpful to you? Take the survey, and you’ll be entered to... Read More