Writing Alternative Geographies

June 30, 2020   Note From Rochelle   Dear Writers, I’m delighted to welcome poet and writing teacher Erik Fuhrer back to the blog. A few months ago, he wrote a post about writing poetry during the pandemic. He’s the author of four books of poetry including, not human enough... Read More

#WritersRecommend: Hank Phillipi Ryan

  Recommended Reading It’s always safe inside a story, and no place more magical than inside Winter’s Tale by Mark Helprin. I am a devoted thriller reader, but this magical realism, gorgeously set in a turn-of-the-century New York, manages to be so rapturously well-written,  and so philosophically intriguing, so full... Read More

Writers Inspire

June 9, 2020     This year I’ve been working on a book about people whose writing has changed the world. I’ve researched and written about many people since January, and every single person’s story has inspired me.   Moved by the courage of the protestors and all the people... Read More