Set Your Writing Goals for 2014 by Rochelle Melander
Finding yourself doesn’t require that you fly to Tibet, join a convent, or build a meditation room. Just consistently keep a minimal commitment to empty time.
You’ve done a lot of thinking about what you want to achieve in 2014 already. In the coming week, I want you to spend time imagining what it would be like to make those dreams happen. Here’s how.
1. Gather your materials. You’ll need the list of actions you came up with during the asset combining exercise. You may also want the list of the work you want to do more of (from The Reckoning). If you’re the writing kind—and I’m guessing you are—grab your journal and some favorite pens.
2. Imagine. Set aside time each day to simply daydream. Some of you will want to write this all out or even doodle images of what you’d like to write. Others will want to just think about it. Either way works. At least once this week, commit to taking your dreaming to a coffee shop, art museum, or simply on a walk. Sometimes we dream better when we’re away from home. As you imagine completing various tasks, pay attention to how you feel—energized or depleted. Make note of the activities that leave you feeling energized.
3. Set goals. Create a list of goals based on the list of activities you found energizing when you imagined them.
That’s it. Next week we’ll work on creating a business plan (don’t worry, it won’t be too painful). But for now: enjoy the quiet time!
I love to write and I really enjoy the writing group I go to. I read something I wrote last week to them and they thought it was really good. I want to continue writing it. Thanks for your encouraging web site!
Thanks for stopping by. I’m so glad to hear you have a good writer’s group!