Take Advantage of the Fresh Start Effect

August 8, 2017   Note From Rochelle   Dear Readers, We’ve had some mighty chilly days this past week. With temperatures dipping into the 50s, I’ve been inspired to start planning for fall! Today’s blog post begins a series about setting and accomplishing your fall goals! Enjoy! Rochelle    ... Read More

#WritersRead: Books to Inspire

August 1, 2017   Note From Rochelle   Dear Readers, Happy August! The summer critique group is wrapping up our work this week, and I’m starting to plan fall coaching groups. If you’d like to talk about how individual or group coaching might support you in starting or finishing a... Read More

The Overlooked Key to Creativity

July 25, 2017   Note From Rochelle   Dear Readers, I had an awesome weekend—mainly because I did something unusual for me: I set aside work and took time to play! I visited multiple art galleries during Milwaukee’s Gallery Night and Day, read a thriller, made art, and napped. Today,... Read More