How Writers Wait

Earlier this month, I traveled to Texas to meet with coaching clients. As travel days go, I expected a fairly easy one. I’d hop on the plane just after 11 AM and arrive in Texas at 2:00 PM. Shortly after getting on the plane, the captain told us that there... Read More

Author Event: Geraldine Brooks

Since I moved to Milwaukee in 1995, I’ve seen dozens of authors speak at local bookstores about their work. When people ask me how to learn more about writing and publishing without having to spend a lot of money, I encourage them to do two things: read and attend author... Read More

Write-a-Thon: NaPiBoWriWee by Rochelle Melander

You’ve heard about NaNoWriMo—National Novel Writing Month, when novelists buckle down and write like crazy to complete a 50,000-word novel in 30 days. Some of you have even heard about Script Frenzy—where writers give up frolicking in April’s spring showers to write a script. But have you heard of NaPiBoWriWee? National... Read More