Write2Transform: Fierce Wonderings

In Ralph Fletcher’s marvelous book, A Writer’s Notebook: Unlocking the Writer Within You, he encourages readers to examine their fierce wonderings and bottomless questions. Today’s assignment, writers, is to make a list of everything you wonder about. What are you curious about? What are your bottomless questions? What places, things,... Read More

Are YOU a real writer?

Being a real writer means being able to do the work on a bad day. —Norman Mailer I’ve read and shared this quote from Norman Mailer multiple times. He gives good advice: real writers work even when they don’t sleep well, the kids get sick, and the basement floods. Last week, I had... Read More

Reframe Rejection by Rochelle Melander

  This past weekend at WriteCamp 3 Milwaukee, a writer asked me what I thought was the most important trait for professional writers. I did not even need to think about my answer: persistence. Today on Online College, I read a post about famous, much-rejected authors. I already knew that... Read More

Book Review: Six-Figure Freelancing

Are you thinking about starting a freelance writing business? Do you write and submit regularly but barely make enough money to buy toothpaste for your family? You need Kelly James-Enger’s book Six Figure Freelancing: The Writer’s Guide to Making More Money. In the book, James-Enger offers solid advice to help writers... Read More