Why Write-A-Thon? You think like a writer!

The writer’s genetic inheritance and her or his experiences shape the writer into a unique individual, and it is this uniqueness that is the writer’s only stuff for sale. —James Gunn Everything that happens to you is material. (Heck, everything that happens to anyone who you remotely know or whose... Read More

Why Write-A-Thon? You’re Bored!

Welcome writers! We are counting down to the launch of my new book, Write-A-Thon: Write Your Book in 26 Days (And Live to Tell About It). Why write-a-thon? Because: 1. Deadlines work. 2. It’s cheaper than therapy. 3. You have something to say. 4. We need to hear your story. 5.... Read More

Why Write-A-Thon? Hard Goals Transform You

The marathon lifestyle promotes doing rather than watching…by adopting the marathon lifestyle you can confront your own lions, be your own hero, fight your own battles, challenge yourself. —Richard Benyo When I did my first write-a-thon in 2004, I had no idea what I was doing. It was National Novel... Read More