NaNoWriMo: Sunday Fun!

Here’s a fun way to waste a little time and get inspired. Visit Wordle and create a visual representation of your project. Here’s one I did for Write-A-Thon. The tool allows you to do some editing at the end—playing around with color, layout and font style. You can take a... Read More

NaNoWriMo: Prepare for Success!

Today I’m delighted to welcome my friend and mastermind partner, Marjorie Treu, as my guest blogger. As a team leadership mentor, coach, and trainer, Marjorie is here to teach us how to prepare for success. Prepare for Success by Marjorie Treu I’m a team leadership mentor/coach/trainer and don’t normally operate... Read More

NaNoWriMo: Join the Fun!

Welcome, writers! Today’s National Novel Writing Month guest post comes from writer Lex Gilmore. I met Lex on Twitter and have appreciated her support and encouragement through our email conversations. Lex graciously agreed to write a guest post to help me kick off NaNoWriMo. Thank you, Lex! Join the NaNoWriMo... Read More