The Well-Shod Writer

Between saying and doing, many a pair of shoes is worn out. —Iris Murdoch I’d planned to begin a new series on nonfiction book formats today. My first post on The Project Book is nearly done but not quite ready to publish. So instead I am writing about one of... Read More

The Daily Calendar: We have Winners!

Thanks to everyone who entered the Calendar contest—we had more entries than ever before! YEAH! I’m thrilled to announce that we have two winners! Both Blair Monroe and Kathy Eliscu won calendars. Winners, please email me your snail mail address, and I will get them out to you as soon as... Read More

Writers: Find Your Passion

Writing isn’t generally a lucrative source of income; only a few, exceptional writers reach the income levels associated with the best-sellers. Rather, most of us write because we can make a modest living, or even supplement our day jobs, doing something about which we feel passionately. Even at the worst... Read More