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Write Now! Tip: Your Creative License

December 20, 2016



Note From Rochelle



Dear Writers,


Do you need a holiday creativity boost? Here it is!


Happy Writing!

The Write Now! Coach



Need a Creative License?

By Rochelle Melander


When I teach writing to young people, I talk about the traits and habits of writers. These include: focus, imagination, curiosity, creativity, persistence, playfulness, patience, and trust.


Since students have difficulty imagining putting on an attitude when they come to writing class, I often talk about a “creativity cap.” When construction workers go to work they put on their hard hat. When writers get to work, we put on our creativity cap—an imaginary cap that we place on our heads to remind us that we’re at work. This creativity cap helps students focus on the task at hand—which is sometimes challenging.


Poetic License

A few years ago, a friend gave me a card that says, “Poetic License.” According to the card, it gives me the right to flout rules of grammar, commit wild acts of riotous flosculation (to speak in flowery language), and live the unexpurgated life. While I rarely pay attention to the small print, keeping that poetic license on my desk reminds me that I’m a writer. And that’s important because so much of my work as a writer is not read or recognized by others—yet. And when our work isn’t acknowledged through the typical means—sales, money, and accolades—it can be hard to feel like our work is valuable.


A Gift for You

For that reason, I’ve got a special gift for you: your own creative license (in certificate and card form) and a bookmark (like the one above) to remind you to pay attention. Click here to claim it!

Coaching Specials

If you need one more push to get yourself into the writing mood, I have two special coaching opportunities for you:

New Year Strategic Planning Session

Are you hoping to write a book or start blogging in 2017?

I know you can create a plan for accomplishing your goal on your own, but it’s so much easier—and more effective—to work with a coach. For that reason, I’m offering a special $95 rate for a one-hour planning conversation. You’ll receive:

+A welcome letter and assignment to complete before we meet.

+A one-hour consultation with me.

+A recording of our conversation.

If you’re interested in claiming one of the remaining spots I have available for this conversation, click here.


Group Coaching  +  Bonus

If you’re interested in Group coaching—starting in February—you can sign up here. And here’s a bonus for you: Everyone who signs up for group coaching before December 31st gets a bonus session (30 minutes) to be used anytime before June 2017.




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