Imagine Your Best Life

Imagine Your Best Life by Rochelle Melander What might it be like to live your best life? What would it be like to be your best possible self? What would you be doing with your days? Where would you be living? Who would you connect with? For the past fifteen... Read More

Key Features of Successful Blogs

September 3, 2019     Note From Rochelle   Dear Writers,   I’m delighted to let you know that  my How to Blog a Book Class is available for purchase!   You will learn how to write your book by blogging regularly. I’ll also talk about the three kinds of... Read More

The Benefits of Blogging a Book

August 6, 2019     Note From Rochelle   Dear Writers,   I’ve written books in many ways—on assignment, with tight deadlines; alone, without a deadline or an editor; and by blogging a book over a several year period. I learned a lot from every single process, but found much... Read More