Power-Up and Write More

Power Up and Write More! by Rochelle Melander    Renew energy, revive strength. – Lailah Gifty Akita    My friend is a long-distance bicyclist. She talks about bonking—athletes also call it “hitting the wall.” It happens when the athlete uses up their body’s energy reserves. Traditionally, scientists have understood that... Read More

The Guru Dilemma

October 8, 2019     Note From Rochelle     Dear Writers,   Are you ready for National Novel Writing Month? This yearly challenge turns the process of writing a book into a big old game! If you’re contemplating signing on for the challenge, then consider attending my new class,... Read More

Stop the Internet from Stopping You

Stop the Internet from Stopping You by Elizabeth Cole Based on a conversation with Rochelle, we made a plan to identify our productivity obstacles and use the month of September to test new ways around them. Since I get easily distracted by the internet (sound familiar, anyone?), my plan was... Read More

The Upside of Going Offline

October 1, 2019     Note From Rochelle   Dear Writers,   During the week of October 14-20, I will be celebrating my new book with several fun promotions. One of them is a class: Gameify Your Writing Life, which will be held on Wednesday, October 16 at 12:00 PM... Read More