Build A Profitable Author Life

October 11, 2022     Note From Rochelle   Dear Writers,   What’s stopping you from starting or finishing that writing project?   Are you waiting until you: +know more? +have extra time? +feel less anxious?   What if you could just jump in and write, no matter what you... Read More

Writing the Sequel

September 27, 2022     Note From Rochelle   Dear Writers,   Do you want to write but constantly put it off—waiting until you have more time and energy and feel less scared? In October, I’m co-teaching a two-session workshop on Overcoming Procrastination and Fear to Write. My colleague Liesel... Read More

Never Give Up

September 20, 2022     Note From Rochelle   Dear Writers,   I am so excited. For a long time, I have wanted to team up with my dear friend and colleague Liesel Teversham—and we’re finally doing it! Liesel is an amazing coach who offers support to her clients through... Read More