Discern Your Best Writing Habits

March 28, 2023       Note From Rochelle   Dear Writers,   This spring, I have two very helpful tools to help you overcome blocks and write. The first is our Writing Accountability Group. We begin April 27 and meet every other week. This small, intimate gathering will help... Read More

Overcome Limiting Beliefs

February 28, 2023       Note From Rochelle   Dear Writers,   When we put off working on important projects, we might beat up on ourselves for being undisciplined or having poor time-management skills.   But the truth is, we put off projects that scare us. To understand more... Read More

How to Develop Your Inner Mentor

February 14, 2023       Note From Rochelle   Dear Writers,   Happy Valentine’s Day. I hope that you will do something loving for yourself today. And today’s tip will help you with that. You’re going to work on developing that inner loving part of yourself, your inner mentor.... Read More