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Stuck? Fifteen Ways to Start Writing

September 4, 2018



Note From Rochelle


Dear Writers,


Greetings! I can feel just a bit of fall in the air. The kids are all back to school, and I’m ready to focus on work. How about you?

I’m offering a brand new workshop this fall: How a Book Can Boost Your Business (and it won’t cost you a thing!) If you’ve been thinking about writing a nonfiction book, you’ll want to set aside time on September 12 at 5:00 PM to learn ten unique ways a book can support your career or business. Visit my workshop page to learn more and sign up.

I’m also offering a complete get-it-done book-writing class this fall. This class is especially good for people who have written a lot of content but need help organizing it into a book.





Stuck? Fifteen Ways to Start Writing

by Rochelle Melander


When a reporter asked Ernest Hemingway how he started a new book, Hemingway said, “Defrost the Refrigerator.”


Starting can often be the hardest part of writing. We’ve dreamed about our project, maybe even jotted down notes, but we’re afraid to write it down. What if we can’t do it? What if it doesn’t sound right? What if we fail?


And what if we just start? Often inspiration hits after we’ve started writing, while we’re in the midst of jotting down our imperfect prose.


Instead of worrying about where or how to start, set a time for five minutes. Pick up your pen or open a fresh document on the computer and write. Here are some ways to start:


For everyone:

  • Write about your feelings
  • Write a letter about your project
  • Write about how your book will help people
  • Write a log line or a blurb for your book
  • Write an outline


For nonfiction writers:

  • Write about how you help people through your work
  • Write about one of the ideas that captivates you
  • Write about a single tiny step you recommend people take
  • Write up a case study
  • Write an interactive element—a quiz, checklist, or reflection questions


For fiction writers:

  • Write a short scene
  • Write a detailed description of your character
  • Describe the setting of your book
  • Write a letter from one character to another
  • Interview your character


Your turn

Start. See how it goes. Then leave a comment about what worked for you.

Need more help? Try:

How to Write Your Book in Five Minutes a Day

Overcoming Procrastination

Overcome Distractions and Write

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