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writing small

How to Write When Writing Scares You

April 9, 2019



Note From Rochelle


Dear Writers,

Thanks to everyone who bought a copy of my brand new book is still available (finally!) on Amazon. Level Up: Quests to Master Mindset, Overcome Procrastination and Increase Productivity. It became a top-selling new release.

You can still order Level Up as a Kindle ebook.  If you prefer a hard copy, the paperback and other ebook versions will be released on May 14, 2019.

Today’s post talks about how writing small can help you when writing scares you. Enjoy!





writing small


How to Write When Writing Scares You

by Rochelle Melander


When writing a book feels frightening or time is scarce, it’s easy to give up on writing. We use our free moments to watch television or read books—because it’s easier. But I want to encourage you to try writing small. When big steps scare us, small steps can help us move forward. Here are three ways to write small:


Morning Pages

A few weeks ago, I wrote about how much I love doing morning pages. Writing one to three sloppy pages every day can help us get in the habit of writing. It can also support us in figuring out what we might want to write about. And of course, morning pages can become the seeds for blog posts, memoirs, and books.

For more info on morning pages, check out: The Power of Morning Pages.


Haiku Poems

Take an image or event from your daily life and capture it in a poem. A Haiku poem is a very short poem—just three lines long—that presents a single image or experience. It can be a great way to keep track of your daily experiences. Writing haiku also gives us experience playing with words and images.

For additional inspiration on writing haiku, check out this article: Wednesday Writing Prompt: Winter Haiku 



When life or writing about a topic seems really overwhelming, making a list can help you sort out what you are feeling or thinking. (Ten ways to cope with anxiety. Ten ways to move forward in business.) If you’re considering writing a blog post or an article on a topic but don’t know where to start, a list can be a great tool. (Five ways to add movement into your life. Five ways to use herbs to feel better.) My lists often become blog posts or articles.


Your turn

Writing small can help us succeed when we are scared. What short writing form has helped you move forward ? Leave a comment below.




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