Winter Reflections

December 12, 2023 Note From Rochelle Dear writers, Most of the groups I belong to have wrapped up for the year, including the Goddess group. I miss them. These groups have helped me to stay focused, write more, and stay encouraged. If you’ve been feeling lonely and discouraged about writing,... Read More

The Ultimate Writer’s Gift List

December 5, 2023 Note From Rochelle Dear writers, Happy December! At a recent event, someone asked me to talk about the best thing about writing and publishing Mightier Than the Sword. I had difficulty narrowing it down because there have been so many blessings. But here’s what I landed on:... Read More

Find the Right Indie Author Tools

by J. Mercer Creating a book from start to finish can be an extraordinary feat, enough to make you forget that you are, in fact, a creator first and everything else second. In addition, you must field solicitations from companies promising to make your life easier—if only you pay them... Read More

Detect Your Genius Time

November 7, 2023 Note From Rochelle Dear writers, As a writing coach, one of my gifts is helping people figure out why they are stuck. Often, writer’s come to me saying they’re blocked. But if you read my post last week, you know that writer’s block is almost always a... Read More

Busting Five Myths of Writer’s Block

October 31, 2023 Note From Rochelle Dear writers, Happy Halloween and Happy fifth Tuesday! Thank you to everyone who responded to my plea for help on my writer’s block class. Your comments have helped me a lot. If anyone else wants to let me know what causes writer’s block for... Read More

Write to Gain Attention

An Interview with Steve Woodruff by Rochelle Melander Welcome to the blog, Steve. Tell us about your new book, The Point. This book is the culmination of decades of in-the-trenches selling, marketing, consulting, and presenting. I’ve probably made every mistake known to the human race, but what I’ve learned is... Read More

Wrapping Up a Novel Series

October 3, 2023 Note From Rochelle Dear writers, Happy October! As you know, I took on a teaching gig this fall. I’m learning tons and having a blast. But it’s taking lots of time. Between that, my editing, and the two coaching groups I run, I’m swamped. For that reason,... Read More

A Freelance Success Story

September 26, 2023 Note From Rochelle Dear writers, You’ve got just a day or so to sign up for the writing accountability group. It’s a small group dedicated to helping you set writing goals and overcome the obstacles that typically get in the way. Previous members have credited the group... Read More