Adopt a Positive Mantra

April 2, 2019     Note From Rochelle   Dear Writers,   Happy Day!   My brand new book is available (finally!) on Amazon. Level Up: Quests to Master Mindset, Overcome Procrastination and Increase Productivity offers readers an opportunity to tackle their most common creative problems by turning them into... Read More

The Power of Morning Pages

March 19, 2019   Note From Rochelle   Dear Writers,   Tomorrow is the first day of spring. Thanks to longer days, warmer weather, and melting snow, I’m beginning to feel a bit more hopeful. After months of snow, ice, and frigid temperatures, I’m looking forward to taking walks outside... Read More

How to Write a Book Hook

March 5, 2019   Note From Rochelle   Dear Writers,   Do you struggle to believe in yourself, find time to write, and overcome writer’s block? You’re in luck! My new book can help you tackle all of those challenges and more. Level Up: Quests to Master Mindset, Overcome Procrastination,... Read More

Writers@Work: Great Big Book Sale

March 1, 2019     Dear Writers,   Happy March!   I’ve never been so happy to see the end of a month. We’ve had it all up here—whipping winds, ice-covered streets and sidewalks, snowy yards, and chilly temperatures. Earlier this week, I stepped on a snow-covered sheet of ice... Read More

Ask These Questions Before Writing a Word

Think before Ink: Ask These Questions Before Writing a Word by Rochelle Melander   “It’s not the ink—it’s the think.” –Robert Mankoff, New Yorker Cartoon editor   My clients often complain about showing up to write and discovering they have nothing to say. They stare at the page, jot down... Read More