Keep Working On It

by Rochelle Melander We studied Paul Klee’s painting Senecio. The children drew a picture of themselves with a Sharpie. Then they layered the drawing with tissue paper, dabbing water on it to make it bleed. Some children discovered that if they dipped their paper in water, they could direct the... Read More

Turn Worry into Wonder

He could waste an hour’s good sleep worrying and be no wiser for it. —Geraldine Brooks (Horse, p. 84) Are you a worrier—filling your empty moments with “what ifs” about things that may never happen? Do you worry about your creative projects—will they sell, will they be successful, will people... Read More

Adopt a Positive Mantra

by Rochelle Melander Always remember, your focus determines your reality. – George Lucas Have you noticed the pop-up trend online? Many websites feature pop-up windows that invite the user to sign up for a newsletter or a coupon. This pop-up phenomenon reminds me of my brain. When I’m writing, taking... Read More

Getting Unstuck

by Rochelle Melander Do you ever get STUCK? You’ve got an idea for a good project. You’ve maybe written a good chunk of it. But it feels flat. Something isn’t working—but you don’t know what it is. Or, if you do know the problem, you haven’t figured out the solution.... Read More

Create a Writing Journal

by Rochelle Melander Don’t be satisfied with stories, how things have gone with others. Unfold your own myth. -Rumi When I wrote Level Up, I hoped that writers would use the book to create their own playbook, a unique how-to guide for writing and life. So often, we want to... Read More

Know Your Why and Write More

by Rochelle Melander When I meet a new client, I ask them to tell me about their project and why it matters to them. When I know why they want to write a book or workshop, I know what motivates them to move forward. This helps us work together to... Read More

How to Get a Deadline

by Rochelle Melander I wrote a dozen poems and submitted them to my editor for possible inclusion in an anthology. I knew that turning them in on time would increase my chances of getting one included in the collection. I create a lesson plan every week, because I need to... Read More