The Discovery of Poetry: A Review

Today’s post comes from my writing friend and colleague, Peg Rousar-Thompson. We met several years ago at a National Novel Writing Month workshop. Since then, I’ve had the pleasure of hearing her speak at WriteCamp on the Art of Procrastination. Today she drops by the blog to  talk about one... Read More

Writers @ Work: Develop Multiple Revenue Streams

Happy National Poetry Month! In honor of National Poetry Month and National Poetry Writing Month (NaPoWriMo), I will be blogging regularly about poetry writing. Check out yesterday’s post about NaPoWriMo. We have a winner in last week’s contest. Barbara from JustAnotherWorkingWriter won a copy of Bylines calendar. Congrats! Barbara, send... Read More

Write-A-Thon: Celebrate NaPoWriMo

Write-A-Thon: Celebrate NaPoWriMo by Rochelle Melander National Poetry Writing Month (NaPoWriMo) was founded by Maureen Thorson in 2003 and encourages participants to write a poem a day during the month of April. I can’t think of a better way to celebrate National Poetry Month! I’m a bit afraid of writing... Read More