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Proven Keys to Writing a Good Book

by Rochelle Melander

I’ve been surprised by the growth of book coaching programs in the past months. I’ve downloaded multiple books that promise me they’ll teach me how to use AI to write a book quickly, how to write a tiny book in a weekend, and more quick fix solutions. In one newsletter I read, the author claimed he wrote a short book in less than a day. Wow.

Spoiler alert: The books created in a weekend or using AI aren’t that good. Plus, a warning about using AI to write your book: you cannot copyright a book written with AI.

After publishing 12 books, writing many more, and coaching hundreds of writers, I can tell you this: writing a book is neither quick nor easy. Especially if you want to write a good one.*

I don’t care if you want to write a book to hook an agent or if you want to write a book to sell to your clients and colleagues, the more time and effort you put into your project, the more they’ll get out of it.

Here are the proven keys to writing a good book:

It takes time

Sometimes more time than you planned for. But that’s the process. You can’t force it. The people who write multiple books in a year do so because they’re putting in more focused time each day, they’re writing tiny books, or they’re using AI. If you have a job or a family, you can’t always spend 40 hours a week writing your book. It might take you more time than it takes others. That’s okay.

It won’t always be easy

The other lie I see in the market is this: writing a book is easy. Nope! I’ve been at this for more than 20 years, and it’s certainly getting easier, but it’s not easy. Even when you think you’re done, your editor will find places you need to revise. Every single book takes loads of work and a bit of fairy dust.

You need accountability

We all need someone to hold us accountable, otherwise we won’t do it. A computer program isn’t enough. You need a real live human who will ask you how your book is going.

You need help.

I used to think I could do this alone. Ha! My first editor cured me of that fallacy. Colleagues, critique partners, coaches, editors, and design partners will all help you make your book better—and more marketable.

Even if you’re indie publishing, you want to create the best product you can. It’s true—no gatekeeper is going to stop you from publishing a bad book. But it’s no fun to learn that your book sucks in an Amazon review.

Where do you find accountability?

Come to my groups.

The new Show Up and Write Writing Circle is all about getting writing done together. We meet on Tuesdays at 4:00 PM CT and will meet every week for 12 sessions.

The Writing Accountability Group: My most popular group gives you time for coaching, writing, and, most importantly, accountability. We meet Mondays at 1:00 PM CT starting September 23. We will meet every other week for six sessions. 

The Writing Goddess Group. This is for women and nonbinary writers who want feedback on their writing. I have limited space available, but would love a few more dedicated writers. We meet Thursdays at 2:30 PM CT starting September 26. We will meet every other week for six sessions.

Cool bonus: If you join the Writing Accountability Group or the Goddess group, you can join the show up and write writing circle for just $80. 

*Yes, I know I wrote the book Write-A-Thon: Write Your Book in 26 Days (And Live to Tell About It). I still think it’s possible to write a book fast—but only if you’re a seasoned writer who has trained yourself to show up and write every single day and you have an outline to follow, and you’ve done a bunch of preparation. If this isn’t you, trying to write a big book fast is just frustrating. Take a deep breath—and take your time. Your slowly written book will be better!

Write Now! Coach Rochelle Melander is an ADHD-trained professional certified coach who has helped hundreds of people write and publish books. She’s available to help you create a plan for your writing project, overcome distraction and procrastination to start and finish your writing, and navigate publishing and marketing your book. Book a private consultation:

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