Write a Book Proposal that Sells

Write a Book Proposal that Sells

Do you have a book idea that will change the world—and your life? The publishing business has become cutthroat competitive. You need a stellar proposal if you’re going to get an agent or publisher to pay attention to it. If you’ve written a proposal, don’t mail it until you check with the Write Now! Coach. I’ve created and sold ten book proposals and helped dozens of other writers with their work. I can help you create a book proposal that sells.
 Contact me if you want to:

  • Craft a unique pitch
  • Create a sellable title
  • Identify your target market and how to reach them
  • Develop a creative book marketing plan
  • Discover competitive and comparative book titles
  • Write a bio that sells your expertise
  • Create a well-written outline and riveting sample chapters

Are you ready?
Sign up for a 20-minute consultation to see what package is right for you!

Book Proposal Review Package

The Book Proposal Review Package gives you:

  • An in-depth reading of your book proposal and sample chapters (up to 50 pages) by an experienced editor and publishing professional.
  • Written feedback through track changes and an editorial letter, with feedback to help you improve the quality of your proposal.
  • A 45-minute conversation to discuss the feedback and next steps.

How much does it cost? An editorial evaluation of your book proposal costs $599

Fill out the contact form below, including information on book genre and word count, and we’ll set up a consultation.

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Book Proposal Writing Package

Write your book proposal the fast and easy way—with the help of an experienced publishing professional. I’ve written nine books, hundreds of articles, more speeches than I care to remember, and seven successful book proposals. Out of all of that writing—my book proposals were the hardest writing I’ve done. Why? You have to wear multiple hats: writer, marketer, agent, publisher, and reader. There’s no real deadline. With all of that pressure, doubt can overtake your momentum.

This program eliminates all of those problems. As your coach, I will guide you step-by-step through the book proposal writing process. You’ll have my expertise, encouragement, and regular deadlines to support you in starting and finishing your book proposal.

You will receive:

  • 6 45-minute coaching sessions over three months
  • Written feedback on each part of your proposal
  • A process for finding the best agents and publishers for your work.
  • A free 45-minute phone critique of your final proposal

The Book Proposal Writing Package is available right now.

Contact me right now to reserve your place.

One-Time Payment: